OIL-INJECTED SCREW CAS “V” Series (Variable Speed)

Coaire’s latest version of the Alpha rotor screw compressors were developed in conjunction with Svenksa Rotor Maskiner (SRM), a Swedish rotary compressor designer and manufacturer.

This new design is owned by Coaire for exclusive use. The improved airend as much as doubles life expectancy through lower vibration and reduces sound levels compared to previous models.

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Product Details

Available as an option:
Inverter Bypass System
This option allows air compressor operation when the inverter is offline.

➊ Inverter & Control Box w/Line Reactors
➋ Visual Oil Level Gauges
➌ Separator Tank
➍ Airend
➎ Suction Filter Assembly
➏ Oil & After Cooler

  • Reduced power consumption during no-load operation: quick change rotation speed allows quick and accurate adjustment to the system air requirements fluctuations

  • Required compressed air = produced compressed air

  • Reduced unnecessary production of compressed air while minimizing energy loss

  • Pressure control allows pressure configuration based on the system’s requirements

  • Soft start prevents power loss from over-amperage and extends motor life.

  • Inverters are CE and UL certified.


  • Systems with large fluctuations in compressed air demand benefit when:

    • production line consumption varies

    • day and night shift air consumption vary

    • monthly and seasonal air consumption vary

  • Production lines with future expansion plans


Models: CAS030V, CAS050V, CAS075V, CAS100V, CAS125V, CAS150V, CAS200V, CAS250V, CAS300V, CAS400V

  • Capacity : 30hp - 400hp
  • CE certified inverter
  • Direct coupled type
  • High efficiency motor
  • Exclusive controller for inverter
  • High efficiency cooler
  • Line reactors
  • Options:
  • 10” Touch screen
  • Water-cooled
  • Inverter bypass
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