Magnetic Driven Rotary Sliding Vane Pumps

The VANE-MAG® series are magnetically driven rotary sliding vane pumps according to the positive displacement principle.

They vary in terms of material:
VANE-MAG® MP: Non-metallic rotary sliding vane pump
VANE-MAG® MPA: Rotary sliding vane pump made of stainless steel

The operating principle of the rotary sliding vane pump, which is also known as a rotary vane pump or vane pump, is based on radially moveable vanes which are guided through grooves in the rotor shaft and compress the liquid in the direction of rotation on the outer wall of an eccentric bore in the stator. This rotating displacement principle generates an almost pulsation-free flow with high delivery pressure at low flow rates. Power ist transmitted from the drive to the pump without contact by means of strong NdfeB permanent magnets. This allows the pump to operate without any shaft seal, ensuring safe and leak-proof delivery of corrosive, toxic and explosive liquids. Pumps for explosive hazardous areas of zones 1 and 2 are available on request

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Product Details

VANE-MAG® MP series:

MARCH VANE-MAG® MP series pumps are rotary positive displacement pumps, magnetically driven and made of non-metallic materials. Characteristic wise, rotary sliding vane pumps generate low volumetric flows with middle to high discharge pressures and approximately no pulsation. The operating principle is based on radial sliding vanes, which are rotating in an eccentric stator. The pump housing is made of corrosion resistant solid block plastics like PP or PVDF. The motor power is transmitted by a connection to the hydraulic part of the pumps by strong Neodynium-Permanent-Magnets. This allows the pump to work without any shaft seals, which guarantees a save and maintenance-free transfer of the liquid without any leakage of corrosive, toxic and explosive fluids. Pumps for hazardous explosive areas, zone 1 or 2 can be made out of conductive PVDF.

VANE-MAG® MPA series:

MARCH VANE-MAG® MPA series pumps are rotary positive displacement pumps, magnetically driven and made of stainless steel AISI316Ti. Characteristic wise, rotary sliding vane pumps generate low volumetric flows with middle to high discharge pressures and approximately no pulsation. The operating principle is based on radial sliding vanes, which are rotating in an eccentric stator. The pump housings are machined from solid block materials. The motor power is transmitted by a connection to the hydraulic part of the pumps by strong Neodynium-Permanent-Magnets. The pump is able to work without any shaft seals, which guarantees a save and maintenance-free transfer of the liquid without any leakage of corrosive, toxic and explosive fluids. Pumps for hazardous explosive areas zone 1 or 2 are available upon request.




The pumps of this series have proven themselves wherever low flow rates have to be pumped under high pressure. Low-viscosity mediums without self-lubricating properties can also be pumped without any problems.

Typcial applications are:

  • Flue gas cleaning, SCR, SNCR
  • Pumping of ammonia water or urea
  • Refrigerant pumping
  • Supply pump for barrier pressure systems
  • Liquefield gases, solvents and other inviscid mediums
  • Pressure boosting
  • Dosing of chemical liquids
  • Plant Engineering
  • Equipment Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical-, Medical-, Bio- Engineering


VANE-MAG® MP series:

Nominal speed: 1450 1/min
Temperature: max. 65 °C
Density: max. 1,9 kg/dm³
Viscosity: max. 5000 cP

VANE-MAG® MPA series:

Nominal speed: 1450 1/min
Differential pressure: max. 13 bar
System pressure: max. 16 bar
Temperature: max. 150 °C
Density: max. 1,9 kg/dm³
Viscosity: max. 5000 cP

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