Compressed Air Dryers

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Product Details

  • Drying Capacity: 500cfm and 1000cfm
  • Dryer Technology: Refrigerated
  • Dryer Horse Power: 2 HP
  • Minimum Output Dew Point: +2 Deg C pressure Dew Point
  • Dryer Type: Refrigeration Dryer\


  • Filter Type Particulate filters Activated carbon filters Coalescing filters Compressed intake filters
  • Max Flow 0-50 cfm 50-100 cfm 100-150 cfm 150-200 cfm >200 cfm
  • Max Pressure 0-100 psi 100-150 psi 150-200 psi 200-250 psi
  • Max Temperature (Degrees F) 0-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 >250



  • Efficiency: 99.9%
  • Minimum Dew Poit +2 Deg C
  • Ozone adjustable range: 20% to 100%
  • 10CFM to 10000 CFM
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